Wednesday, December 14, 2011

It's Showtime!

If you have little ones, then I'll bet you have sat through a "program" or two...and maybe even one or two already this Christmas season.  The kids are all excited about being on the big stage, they are so cute in their tiny little dresses and sport coats and curls...  You have your phone camera, your real camera and a video camera charged and ready for the big moment when your child will stun the entire audience with his good looks and charm.  Perhaps even his talent.

The first song get some out of focus and wobbly shots of the kid, and then you notice, "I feel like I have been here before..."

Here are some landmarks that you recognize, signaling to your brain, that yes, you have indeed been here before.  The world of the little kid "program."

1.  The Princess.  There's always one, if not multiples, wearing a hugely frilly dress with sparkly tights and sparkly shoes and sparkly hair doodads.  They each are so adorable and they know it.

2.  The Flasher.  You know you're going to see somebody's underwear and somebody's belly button during this show.  They're usually my favorite kids.

3.  The Statue.  There's always that one kid who stares out into space and doesn't move.  Won't sing, won't dance, won't even attempt the motions.  Juuuuuussssst a statue.

4.  The Nose Picker.  No public performance is complete without one.

5.  The Blasted Cacophony.  God bless the kids who just can't find the note.  They provide us with such an... interesting, shall we say, buffet of tones to choose from.

Oh, there are other landmarks to let you know you're on the path, but those are some surefire signs that you're trapped in a seat for at least 30 minutes at a Children's Program.  Buckle up, slap on your smile and keep the camera rolling.  These moments will become priceless as soon as you blink an eye.

Especially at the end of a children's Christmas program, I really feel like standing up and saying the Pledge of Allegiance like Aunt Bethany at the Griswold family Christmas dinner table.  It's so cute and festive, and they have done a great job.  But it's just a little wonky.

So, here's to many more off-key, Santa + Baby Jesus, nose-picking, belly-flashing moments with your kiddos!

Ho! Ho! Ho!  Away in a Manger, and God Bless America!

1 comment:

  1. AAANNND then there's mine: the clown!! The scene-stealer, the goofy nut in the third row who wants aaaallll the attention. And usually gets is.

    *Facepalm* How ironic is it that the former music teacher has _that_ kid?

    Thanks for the smile!! :D
